The World Congress on Regression Therapy
by Henry Leo Bolduc, CH
Question 1. "I wasn't able to attend the World Congress in Holland. Can you tell me about it?"
Response: In June 2003, my wife and I and a number of colleagues attended the First Word Congress on Regression and Past-Life Therapy in the Netherlands. It was a grand event that brought delegates from over 25 countries. The congress was held at a beatiful hotel/conference center in the quiet countryside on the coast of the Netherlands, about an hour south of Rotterdam. Meals and rooms were included with tuition. Other bounuses of the congress included evening entertainment and a program for partners of congress participants.
During each day of the congress, spouses or friends not attending the conference were taken on tours of windmills, dikes, and quaint villages in the area. The tour guides were very accommodating and knowledgeable.
The quiet, professional setting offered many opportunities for networking with colleagues from around the world. There were excellent forums and well-respected teachers and therapists. Although the focus was on therapy, other topics were addressed and discussed. Of primary importance was the topic of the vision for our profession.
A second World Congress is being organized for March 2006 in India. Sunny Satin has offered to host it. For more informaton, visit the web site at
Quesion 2. "How can regression therapy become more widely known so that it can help people more?"
Response: Regression therapy has gained much respect throughout the world. Now it is time to recognize its potential and to promote its benefits for all.
Each day, each month, each century brings new discovery and growth for all people everywhere. Some discoveries are well publicized are are given positive media attention, others are so suitable that it takes many years to appreciate their great significance for humanity.
The profession of past-life regression therapy started with the humblest of beginnings. It continued through independent researchers, often financed personally with no publicity. Nevertheless, it has become one of the most amazing discoveries of all time! People really do have long-term memories as well as short-term memories (or current life memories). Their memories are believable, authentic and meaningful. Most of all, the access to long-term, pastlife memories is available to all people- rich or poor, short or tall, slim or robust. The only requirement is that they journey within, and travel to their memories, origins, and past experiences.
The procedure is relatively easy. All that is required is to be honest in translating the impressions into words. Some people see memories in the mind’s eye and those scenes can be described in words, or drawn as pictures. Others hear memories and those words and dialogs can be articulated aloud. Other people feel their memories and those encoded feelings can be translated into words.
As a profession, we need to realize the importance of positive publicity as a means of reaching and teaching the public. A proven method for outreach and positive publicity is the organizing and the sponsoring of events related to our profession. For example, a speaker can be arranged to give a local program. The event could be a two-hour talk or a two-day professional training. Even small events, if presented in a professional manner, would merit coverage from the media.
It is important is to utilize all local media to publicize the event. If you do not know how to submit a professional press release, you can get some assistance from someone who has such skills and experiences. Generally, newspapers will publish free press releases which are well written and which appear to be of interest to readers.
If submitted early enough, your press release could bring in a few more attendees. A good press release will let people know that there is interest in your topic, and that others are attending. It will bring positive attention to the profession and to its role in building a better future for all.
The best part of submitting press releases is that there is very little cost involved. When you include a photo with your press release, it will be returned if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Short, informative press releases tend to get published when they answer the standard questions: who, what, where, when, and why. A press release is not the place to include hype or personal opinions — just the facts.
The “secret” for submitting good press releases is to make them bland enough for editors to include them with the host of other press releases they receive every day — but interesting enough to catch their attention! Read your local papers and you will spot numerous press releases — use them as examples and you’ll have a good chance to have yours printed. If it is not printed, you surely have the right to call the papers to ask why.
When everyone participates in promoting the benefits of regression therapy, the field will become more widely utilized.
The reality of regression therapy is that it works!
The field of past-life regression therapy is proving to be one of great help and benefit to people. It is an easy and inexpensive therapy that brings real answers, real healing, and real benefits. True regression therapy is as valuable as other therapies and has the added benefit of being enjoyable.
It has been said that the most powerful force in our world is an idea whose time has come. I believe that our work, our profession, our vision for humanity has come of age. Humanity truly is ready for the next level of consciousness; the realization that humans are eternal souls.
This article may be published freely- Henry Leo Bolduc